Sunday, May 22, 2011

Hi everyone! This is Jennifer, and there are many things I do multiple times a day. I brush my teeth, brush my kids teeth, pick up toys, change the laundry, change diapers, wish I was on some tropical island...And now I can add running to that list! And I found out that I love it. If I could, I would run twice a day, every day. But since that just doesn't fit in the schedule, it will have to wait for Saturdays, and for race day!
I'm really glad that I made the time to run twice on Saturday because I figured out a lot of things. I get a lot of energy after that second run. A lot. The sort of energy where I'm scrubbing walls and cleaning toilets because I feel so great! Runner's high for sure, because in my right mind those are the things I like the least. I learned that I'm in better shape than I give myself credit for. That my body hurts a whole lot less than when I do the 80 minute runs. In fact, I'm not sore at all today. And the thing that I'm so glad I didn't have to wait for race day to learn...HEARTBURN! Oh boy, I had some major heartburn last night. It started at about the last mile of my run and lasted until this morning. I'm so glad I know that's a side effect of 8 miles cut in half, or eating in between runs, or whatever it is that causes it for me. But next Saturday when I run twice, you can bet I'm making sure to have Tums, or Prevacid, or whatever so I don't have to learn that lesson again.
The point of all this, everyone should do the two-a-day runs! I'm positive that you'll learn a lot about your running self, like I did. I'm so glad I didn't put it off. For me it turned out to be something I really enjoy, something that boosted my confidence in being able to do this crazy race, and what I need to plan for.
Bring on three!

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